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The Sagan Artifact - Release!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

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The Sagan Artifact

Have Spaceship–Will Travel …

   In the wake of the Modronovich Incident a new era of industry and interstellar exploration has begun. Everyone wants to find ‘them’ … the aliens … even if the cosmic trail is two-hundred and fifty years old, and finding them might be a bad idea.

   After the initial whirlwind of movie offers and government interviews, Bea has settled down to the quieter life as Spaulding Recovery Service’s simple starship pilot, enjoying her time between the sandy beaches of the Pearls, and long trips into the long dark hauling cargo or tracking down derelict ships for almighty insurance companies. That is until she gets a call from Algernon, the Asimov Institute’s synthetic consciousness. It seems the famed Institute has lost a ship, and since everyone else is hunting aliens, Bea’s the woman for the job.

   It’s good money, and her toff boss says do it … but something’s not right. Why does the Institute seem more concerned with a star outside of the Republic’s borders than they do about the lost ship and her crew? And why does the staff they send with her act like soldiers out of uniform?

Waiting for Happiness

Saturday, October 1, 2022

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Waiting for Happiness

   Seventeen years after the suicide of a schoolmate, two women have a chance encounter at her grave. What follows is an exploration of life in a small town. As their story unfolds, we learn that though their circumstances are very similar, they themselves are not. Yejin, a devout Christian from an early age, takes care of her sick mother and younger sister. While Seoyoung, a product of her time, contends with a broken father. Following their last year in high school we are pulled along as they navigate their individual hardships, their dreams, and the despair that comes with growing up in a place of dead ends.